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Snowbanks a serious safety threat on Massachusetts roads

Snowbanks cause car accidents. Need proof? Two people recently sustained injuries in a two-car accident in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Both injured people had to be taken to a hospital. Authorities blamed the crash on massive snowbanks which prevented both drivers from being able to see the other vehicle.

Such accidents have become far too common this winter. As heavy snow pummels New England week after week, huge snowbanks grow larger and larger. That means narrower streets and even less visibility. And when temperatures rise and fall below freezing, frozen snowbanks often turn into solid walls of ice. Melting snow can also create black ice on roads and lead to slip and fall accidents.

Massachusetts law takes winter safety seriously. Last year, the state’s Supreme Judicial Court threw out a 125-year-old ruling that makes a distinction between natural and artificial snow and ice hazards. In the past, courts in Massachusetts had stated property owners did nothing wrong when they didn’t remove ice or snow that accumulated there naturally.

Instead, the Supreme Judicial Court ruled unanimously that effective immediately, property owners can be held liable for snow or ice on a walkway even if the snow accumulated there by natural means.

Cities and towns have a responsibility to keep our roadways safe and clear of snow. Your safety should not be compromised because of someone else’s negligence. Did a snowbank block your view and lead to an accident? Don’t be a victim. Fight back. Turn to law firm that knows how to get results. Turn to the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone.
We understand how traumatic car accidents can be for families. Let us deal with all the red tape so you can focus on your recovery. Contact Mark E. Salomone today. We work hard for clients throughout Massachusetts.

The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone. Fighting for justice for you.